Brenda Smith photographed at Caldwell Arts Council in front of one of the four Alix Hitchcock pieces that inspired her poem for Art of Poetry Catawba Valley's inaugural tour on June 9, 2018.
by Brenda
On four prints of the same titles by Alix
As the bird flies so do I fly
I know I am tethered to the earth
She is not
I know this
But I fly all the same
In my twisted way, I fly
I was in a leap
in mid-flight as I was caught
made into wallpaper
as was the bird
run over by the printer’s tool
We in flight
I was in mid flight
when fall came too
with its stripping of branches
limbs white and barren
my flight pressed to the earth too
my limbs hitting the earth
We falling
I, caught by the thin white wind
am bent backwards
Trees as tall as mountains with me
bent back, shot through the air
My friend curves low
out of wind’s reach
She, and the wall of greenness
are below the wind
Beyond the wind
Golden wind with brains and guts
makes a corridor through the darkness
pulls me up by my core
limbs bowed downward
Gravity still rules
the paper bamboo sways
with the heart and bone
Rhythm of the wind
Good one, Brenda!!!