Monday, August 19, 2019

Doug McHargue's "Blackberry Nation" after Laura Crooks

Doug McHargue photographed at the July 13, 2019 tour of Alexander County Library and FOUND: The Art of Community exhibit curated by Miranda Burgin. The photograph that inspired her work was taken by library director, Laura Crooks.

by Doug McHargue
after One for Solitude by Laura Crooks

Blackberries in the foreground, they are wild,
ready to swallow the chair.
In the grocery, they lie fat and indolent,
anemic hothouse plastic.

At the river they grew all over
and I picked two gallons
in a morning, smaller but real
and wicked little tarts, lost.

Now my fog eyes think vines
are city skylines, blackberries
inching their way up concrete, steel,
crawling up from the river
where they were stepped on,
chainsawed, bulldozed,
a blackberry nation rising,
then fruit raining
into the river, Catawba running
with its secret pouring
into a front yard near you.


Melissa Hager's "Love Is" after Sarah Jayne Kennedy

LOVE IS...  by Melissa Hager after Two of Us by Sarah Jayne Kennedy Drawing a line in the sand to judge who's i...