Monday, October 21, 2019

Doug McHargue's "Safe Shells" after Diane Podolsky

Doug McHargue photographed at Alexander County Library on July 13, 2019 at the FOUND - Art of Community exhibit tour. 

by Doug McHargue
after Little Pink Houses by Diane Podolsky

My mind now a gray film,
but I see the houses in pink,
boxy and square as the fifties
holding tight to things but the color
of Easter hats Jackie made famous,
pillboxes for our heads filled
with sedate dreams we thought
she'd have, and my A-line dress
pink, too, the color of a house
on the beach where you search
for shells and if lucky
find something big,
almost regal with curves
and flourishes, and you think
as long as the creature stays
deep in that pink,
safe myths live.

Melissa Hager's "Love Is" after Sarah Jayne Kennedy

LOVE IS...  by Melissa Hager after Two of Us by Sarah Jayne Kennedy Drawing a line in the sand to judge who's i...