Sunday, July 28, 2019

Beverly Finney's "Found" after Vickie Jo Franks

Beverly Finney photographed on tour at Alexander County Library, July 13, 2019. Her poem was inspired by a Vickie Jo Frank's collage. The exhibit FOUND - Art of Community, curated by Miranda Burgin, will be on display until August 2.   

by Beverly Finney
after A Pilgrim’s Song by Vickie Jo Franks

What of those who live found lives,
cobbled together from the scraps and refuse
discarded by those who have too much,
piecing a bare-knuckles tapestry of survival?
Intrepid scavengers with eyes that see
in a different light, creative imaginations
full of new visions for what’s tossed aside,
clever hands, forging hearts fashioning anew.
How rich are they in fierce attention
to the overlooked, in the satisfaction
of self-sufficiency, the prayer of gratitude,
the tiny fragments of beauty, hope and joy?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Patricia Deaton's "First Things, First" after hannah grace

Art of Poetry Catawba Valley's Patricia Deaton emulates the painting by hannah grace that inspired her poem. Poets toured Alexander County Library's FOUND - Art of Community exhibit on Saturday, July 13, 2019. Curated by library board trustee chair, Miranda Burgin, the collection was procured from local and regional artists, photographers. The artworks and poetry will be on display until August 2.

by Patricia Deaton
after Not Your Babe by hannah grace

With a flash, that day comes back.

Eyelids lifted gently, one at a time 
by one small finger; a small face, close. 

Light seeps in-through a window 
full of sky so blue, you worry;
not about things that might happen, 
but things that might not.

Her first April Fools, brown eyes wide,
there is salt in the sugar bowl.
Spit-cereal with the first spoonful

then laughter fits; wonder at the kind of mind
that even came up with this. 

We ate sliced-off ends of the pan blanco,
bread carefully-made, though overworked 
the night before; her abuela’s recipe 
from a country where a little means a lot.

At the top of the school steps
butchered bread held upright, resolve slipping,
plastic wrap unfurls itself from the loaf
and flutters like the flag of a fallen land.

What valor to stand that first day
and wave the loaf, then hand it
to someone who swings open a door.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Join Art of Poetry Catawba Valley at Alexander County Library, Saturday, July 13, 2019, 2 pm

Join us on our next tour of art through ekphrastic poetry beginning at 2 pm at Alexander County Library. The address is 77 1st Avenue SW in Taylorsville. It is free and open to the public to attend the readings. 

Melissa Hager's "Love Is" after Sarah Jayne Kennedy

LOVE IS...  by Melissa Hager after Two of Us by Sarah Jayne Kennedy Drawing a line in the sand to judge who's i...